quantity of 意味
《a ~》たくさんの、若干の、多少の、多数の、多量の
although the total quantity of wealth has recovered . 戻っていないのは興味深い事実です and able to give you the quantity of light you need . 足りない分の光を補ってくれます a large quantity of hydrogen fluoride ammonium was sold 京都地区に 10年前の2001年 a hundredfold multiplication in the quantity of data データが100倍に増えると in these two identical glasses , we pour the same quantity of milk . 私ですか? the decline and erosion of both the quality and quantity of labor 労働の質と量が低下し it's like quality and quantity of life in nations . 国における人生の量と質を示したものだとも言えます the total quantity of wealth that we accumulate 私達が蓄積する財産についてー but would you be interested in a felony quantity of methamphetamine ? 大量のメスを 買えと言うのか? the genomics industry demands a huge quantity of biomatter for wombtanks . 用途は医学界の生体材料